Thursday, August 11, 2005

Long Training Babble

Originally uploaded by gene_poole.
So far I'm on track this week for my training runs.

Tuesday I was feeling pretty good by the time I got to running, in spite of not eating right or stretching enough, and so I decided to pick up the pace on my short run. Normally I make no effort what so ever to run any faster than my feet want to. Out of curiousity I decided to try to run a little faster and see what happened. I don't know if that was what caused it, the not stretching, the new shoes or what but man, did I get the worst shin pain I've had in a long time. It seemed to echo or reverberate with every footfall. I tried stopping to stretch a couple of times. Running on the grass seemed to help somewhat and it receded to a dull thump by about mile 2 or 2.5. I ended up running an 8.27 pace, which is about a minute lower per mile than usual but it wasn't fun. Maybe I'll try a fast run again next Tuesday and see if I can manage it with the shin soreness this time.

Yesterday I was still a little apprehensive and almost didn't go running but in the end decided to take the dogs and run on the road at our house, which means running hills, or more specifically one moderately sized hill up at the end. I went really slowly and felt my legs relax and loosen up in the first couple of miles. I ended up doing six miles and quit not because I was tired but because it was getting late and I'd said I would cook dinner.

Tonight is a moderately long trip around the lake. Woo hoo! Can't wait.



About Me: said...

In order to stress my next point i will use caps. hope i do not offend you. YOU CANNOT EVER DO A RUN WITHOUT STRETCHING FIRST AND EVEN MORE SO STRETCHING AFTER! so many many many injuries could thus be avoided.
also, great on speed worksouts. speedworks are great, hard on the body, but great. once a week sounds great. nice pace.

Scott in Washington said...

I did stretch before and after. I just didn't stretch as much as I normally do. I usually engage in little undercover guerilla stretching episodes throughout my work day. That day was more of a furiously work at my desk, don't even go get a second cup of coffee kind of day so I forgot to do the sneak stretching.