Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I've got nothing to complain about so I won't do it

I'm healthy, in my prime, and I get to run whenever I want to but I find myself strangely unsatisfied after last night's run. I ran around the lake once, which is what my training plan calls for. My time was a little lower than average. I had a little lingering pain but nothing amazing. The 40-something Hispanic guy who usually glowers at me as we pass even smiled at me for the first time so I’m not sure what my problem is. I think maybe I’ve gotten used to being able to report big gains and spoiled by that being the status quo. According to coolrunning, this is the 8th week since I started seriously training. I guess I should own up to the fact that after two months the amazing gains are going to come to an end and its going to be slow, steady progress for a while. According to the Hidgon plan I’m supposed to be doing 3/4/3/5 this week and I’m doing 3.5/7/5/12 so I guess I should count my blessings and stop being such a gain-junkie.


Unknown said...

Is the picture on your main page actually an outline of you? It sure looks that way...

Gains come slowly man. Keep in mind that your muscles will develop quickly, allowing you to run longer and harder pretty fast. However, your joints and ligaments take a good while to develop the same endurance. Don't push it too much...Las Vegas wasn't built in a day.

:) said...

OH MY are straying from "The Plan"?

I feel an intervention coming...

Riona said...

hey scott, please please please don't stray too much for the plan ... I was in the *exact* same boat as you: I was delighted to find I could run further than my plan specified, and I pushed it ... and now, with the stress fracture and all, there's no marathon at all for me. :-( At all at all. You want to be running forever - don't jeopardize it by doing too much too soon. I don't want to see another runner on the sidelines at Vegas (on the plus side, it does give me more time for gambling, drinking, and whoring.)

Scott in Washington said...

snigger snigger.

OK, ok, sheesh!

Riona said...

(primly) Excellent. Glad to hear it.