Friday, December 09, 2005


Part of me wants to wake up tomorrow, put on the gear, hydrate, dig out the iPod, and set out in search of my next 26.2. Another part of me wants to go out to the pottery studio and fire the pots I was out there last throwing. Still another wants to get to work on the room under (de)construction. About the only thing agreed upon at this point is a full night's sleep.


psbowe said...

Congrats on your marathon! Wow found someone from WA via running blog family

Unknown said...

After my first I wanted to schedule a marathon a month. I was so stoked. I think I did end up doing another one that summer (the first was in spring). I dunno, I'm with you, do em from time to time, and half's whenever they show up. 10k's are fun...painless.

Anonymous said...

In the process of gearing up for Vegas training at times took over my life. It was all-encompassing. It was fun and I went along for the ride. Now that it's over I'm working on making running an integral part of what I do, but only one of the many things I do. Go throw your pots and then run. Not because you're in training for anything but because it's part of what you do. It's part of who you are.