Saturday, December 17, 2005

Runners who Rock

Mark tagged me to complete a post about three runners who rock. According to Mark I rock for having completed the Vegas Marathon and helped the group get our shirts designed and produced. Thanks Mark! I'm still pretty excited about having run a marathon. I have a secret cigar box stashed that has little tokens and mementos that mean a lot to me - my dog tags, my badge, the bracelet I wore in the hospital when my son was born - that sort of thing. Now my box has some bling as well. Vegas Baby!

Runners who rock; thats an easy one and hard one at the same time. My father (not a blogger) ran marathons throughout my childhood, thereby letting me grow up knowing I could too. I never had an doubt that I could finish my own marathon. Thanks Dad! My wife, on the other hand, gets credit for getting me up and running in my adult life. If I didn't have her healthy influence in my life I probably wouldn't be sitting at the keyboard now. Thanks babe!

Three runner/blogger people to whom I am indebted; Danny Farkas, for running his first marathon a few weeks ahead of me with such enthusiasm and attention. It was fun to watch him ahead of my own big day. Thanks Danny! Partyrunner and Drew share as spot as my virtual training buddies leading up to Vegas. Many a dark training day I might not have made it out there had it not been for the fact that I would then have to admit my lameness online. Thanks guys! Last but not least is another team - two guys who seem incapable of not replying to every comment and who get up and run even when they don't want to and so help me do the same - Jon in Michigan and Flatman in Texas.


Danny said...


i feel like the guy that wins an oscar and then gets up on stage and has nothing prepared to say...

anyway, surprised to see my name there, but you're welcome. truth is, i had a lot of fun tracking you guys on your race day even though i was already done with my race.

:) said...

Thanks, man!!! I feel the same way about you...

About Me: said...

thanks, scott, to you as well for your help in the weeks leading up to vegas.
i seriously wonder if i would have done the race with everyone going on in my life if i wasn't like TOTALLY COMMITED because of the shirts and rbf and all.

youre numero uno, buddy.

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Thanks, Scott! Although, I seem to be incapable of getting out and reading my blog list. Mark is dead on about you rockin' for your work on the Vegas marathon. Was that the first RBF shirt? I think it was.