Monday, November 07, 2005

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

Long time, no blogging...

I'm still alive and I have a pulse. I just haven't been blogging much lately.

I'm excited about running, though. This is last big week before the taper starts. I've got 40 miles to go this week, with my long 20 on Saturday. I'm still injury free and looking forward to a pretty good chance of having a good marathon. Sub-Four? maybe, possibly... We'll see how the 20 goes this weekend.

And in Shirt News; They came! They are really light and clingy feeling. I can't wait to give my XL a test run. I took them in to the printer's this morning. Unfortunately, they sent us one too many larges and one too few mediums. The invoice has the correct number of shirts in the right sizes but what they stuffed in the bag doesn't match up. I'm not sure how we'll sort that out.

Scott Out


Unknown said...

I need to do a long run or two as well, but with temperatures dropping into the mid to low 20's I'm not entirely stoked on running.

Racquetball has been fun though...;)

About Me: said...

hurrah, the shirts are in! check in mail tomorrow

and guess what? a new vegas bound blogger joined our alliance! i've added him to vegas bound list.

what? what did you just hear? is that...could it be...the taper?

Deene said...

Hi. Just to let you know that I'm Vegas bound as well. last long run this weekend.

Scott in Washington said...

LJ, I think first come, first served is a good, fair plan. I'm hoping someone who ordered a medium will be OK with a large - especially as they are really light and kinda clingy.

KAP, I'm wondering what the temps will be like in Ciabola. Someone said it can be in the fifties there this time of morning.

Welcome Deene!