Sunday, January 21, 2007

Running with a Goal Again

Now that I'm officially in training for an actual event (Hood to Coast '07) it seems easier to get out on the trail regularly. I find myself mentally fitting running goals in around the few murky mileposts I can see up ahead in the coming months. I'll probably do a few fun runs between now and then but the main goal has been identified. I hope to get the same legs as last year. Not only were they some of the least brutal but I would like to try competing with myself against last year's times. I know I can do a lot better this year.

Check out this cool site that DREW posted about - great for those of us who like something beside music to run to and are getting tired of an all podcast diet.

Where's LJ?


Anonymous said...

Heah Scott, Great to hear from you, and I'm a bit jealous about the Hood to Coast event. I'd love to do that someday.

On the subject of podcasts, have you seen I'm probably late on that bandwagon, but they have a ton of stuff including some old-time radio programs which are fun on those dark and cold winter nights.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had never heard of the Hood to Coast before. It seems like a very cool run.

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