Saturday, February 18, 2006

Party Like a Rockstar (and pay for it like one too).

Note to self; just because its Friday, and the weather is great and you have a little comp time coming, DO NOT do abs to failure and do exactly double your normal upper body sets. You will pay, yes you will. Learn this lesson once and for all instead of repeating this shabby performance about once every three months... Nothing serious, just really sore today.


Unknown said...

This post, benign as it is, has moved me one step closer to gym membership...

Anonymous said... pressure or anything but... DID SHE HAVE HIM ALRIGHT??? How is Brit? How is the wee-est one? Details!

Anonymous said...

yup this is how I did it...I left a comment here and then you emailed me back.

About Me: said...

well, time to start up the ol' blog again, scott. your break was nice i'm sure but now are you ready to come back since the little one's here?