Thursday, January 19, 2006

Coming Along

Ran around the lake the night before last. It felt pretty good and I only coughed a little bit at the end. I'll probably go again tomorrow. I've been getting into the gym pretty regularly. I'm trying to keep it so I get a little sore each time but rest up enough so that I can always do a teensy bit more each time I go. Good Stuff.

Dropped three post-Vegas pounds so far. Four to go.

Speaking of Vegas, I got my mosaic poster this week. Standing a ways back you can see a hand of cards. Up close the image is composed of many facial shots (including my buck toothed visage). Turns out that wearing our orange RBF shirts put us in a desirable or at least hard to come by color group. I spotted DREW in a few places (must have been a shot from early in the race) and I'm on there a couple of times.... and..... gliding into the finish line, making it look like she'd only run a mile is the INFAMOUS LJ JUST CRIMINAL...


About Me: said...

of COURSE LJ is in the poster! never mind her sis, who ran the first 25 miles as well...
can't wait to see it!

Black Knight said...

I hope you will show the poster. Losing weight....good job for a runner!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Good job on the weight loss.